Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lopsided sovereignty sentences Tissainayagam - journalist

[TamilNet, Monday, 31 August 2009, 19:50 GMT]
If Tissainayagam is sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for 'inciting communal feelings' by editing, printing or distributing North Eastern Herald Monthly, what should be the punishment to Sarath Fonseka, who as commander of the armed forces publicly said Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhalese, mutilating the constitution and inciting genocide in the island, asks a senior journalist in Colombo. Unfortunately there are governments and diplomats who deceive humanity by projecting Sri Lanka as a ‘democratically elected government', besides multi national corporations, who don’t care freedom of people but grabbing opportunities in the island and there are also media such as The Hindu in India and a host of others in the international community praising Colombo on its ‘successes’ in ethnic totalitarianism, the journalist said.

“While on one hand verbally urging Colombo to curb impunity in human rights, the international community on the other hand rationalises the impunity of state terrorism and illegitimate sovereignty of Sri Lanka in the island."

"India and the powers diluting the national question in the island as minority issue will never address the crisis in the island but will only contribute to the escalation of state terrorism in all its forms. Tissainayagam case is a classic example,” the journalist commented.

If unchecked, the dangerous experiment of powers in the island, setting an ugly precedence in contemporary history, is going to be a serious challenge to the free world, the journalist further said.

The sentence to Tissainayagam is seen in the Tamil circles as a response of Colombo to the leak of a video clip allegedly showing extra-judicial killings of Sri Lanka army. The video clip was released last Tuesday by a group of Sinhala and Tamil journalists called Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka.


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